Truth, Acted Upon
This is just a snippet of something that I've been working on for the last few months...
Faith is a word we use all the time as believers in Christ, but it is also a word commonly used by the world. What does it actually mean though? There are a few definitions of faith that I keep coming back to.
Heb 11:1: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Faith – “a continual gaze on a saving God” – AW Tozer
“Faith sees the reality of the unseen or invisible, and it includes a readiness to act as if the good anticipated in hope were already in hand because of the reality of God.” - D. Willard
Faith is, by it's very nature an uncomfortable position. It's a choice to disregard the external circumstances of daily life that surround us and press in on us. To focus not on the facts of life, but the truth of Christ. There's a big difference between facts and truth. Fact change, Truth does not. Most of the time my life is dominated by facts. The fact that I have these things that I need to get done. The fact that I don't have enough money to buy what I want. The fact that something didn't turn out the way I planned. Christ calls us to live life by His Truth. Over and above all the facts of life He never changes.
The biggest problem in life is the suppression of Truth. (Rom. 1) I know what the Truth is, I may even affirm it verbally, but I refuse to act on it. I know what’s right, but I don’t do it. I know I'm wrong, but I won’t admit it. I know I made a mistake, but I won’t apologize. I know God is sovereign, but I won’t submit. Faith acknowledges the Truth and allows it to direct our lives. Faith takes the theory or theology and puts it into practice. It acts on it as reality. If its just theory that I talk about it’s hypocrisy.
It's interesting that in Hebrew there is no word for faith, the word used implies faithfulness. There is no faith apart from faithfulness. We don't come to faith once. We don't belong to a certain faith. The world uses faith in these terms, but the Bible does not. We live by faith, moment by moment. We live faithfully. That doesn't mean we're simply just striving and pushing ourselves to believe in God. The Bible says that God has given to each a measure of faith (ref?). It's a moment by moment surrender. I have little control over the facts of life, but I can believe in the Truth of the One who does.
I think that one of the toughest area to have faith is when I've made mistakes. I can believe that God is in control of external circumstances. The “accidental” events that affect my life. I believe He can use those for good, but do I believe He can use me for good? Even though I can't seem to fix my bad attitude, my weaknesses, my hesitation to believe can He still work? When I fail and God brings me around to the same situation again I start analyzing it for where I went wrong and how I can correct myself so that God can use me. I want control of the situation, instead of His grace in it. Instead I need to believe that He can use me as I am.
The answer is simple, it's Christ. Just because it's simple, though, doesn't mean it's easy. Having the answer and living the answer are two different things. It's a daily walk, believing He is who He says He is, believing Truth. It's faithfulness. Assured from God and learned by us.