Kitchen Windows

Cooking and Philosophy. Both address fundamental human needs. One, a physical need to be nourished, filled, satisfied. The other a mental need to understand and explain the world around us. Both are also windows to a deeper spiritual need, Jesus Christ.

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Location: British Columbia, Canada

Cooking and Philosophy. Both address fundamental human needs. One, a physical need to be nourished, filled, satisfied. The other a mental need to understand and explain the world around us. To make sense of the details of life and fit them into some bigger picture. Both are interests of mine, so that's what I'll try to focus on here. It may seem like a random combination, but hey, that's me. More importantly, though, both cooking and philosophy and all the other pursuits of mankind, are simply windows that point to a greater spiritual need. All to often we get focused on the "windows" and forget to look through them. Every person, at the core, has a need to be nourished, filled, satisfied, in a way that food can never provide. To have some meaning in life, to find answers, that philosophy alone can never seem to provide. The answer is Jesus Christ. He, ultimately, is the focus here. Whether it's a recipe I happen to like, or some philosophical question that I find interesting, it's all for His glory. Remember to look through the windows!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Summer Thus Far

Well I think it's about time for an update. The summer has been very busy. It's incredible that it's already half over. Holiday Bible weeks started a couple days ago and the first Bistro is tonight. I'll post some pics of the food once we get the kinks worked out. Here are some pictures from the last couple months.

This is the last picture I took of Steve at the climbing tower a couple days before he passed away. During the orientation he reminded us that truth doesn't change no matter what your perspective is. It the same as the rope. It will hold you whether you're 5 feet off the ground or 40. Fear comes from allowing our perspective, rather than truth, influence our view.

A couple weeks ago I had a picnic out at Pilkey Point with some of the other staff.

We had a farewell party for Chuck and Mona. I'll miss having them here and sharing a house with them.

Fishing trip with Candice, Sarah, Christina and Alex.

This is the shark I caught...

And the octopus Alex caught. He was lots of fun to play with.

Going snorkeling (sort of) from the school dock with Rachelle, Lois and Donna.

Just enjoying the sun.

Darren and I in the front of the Zodiac on our way for fish and chips on Salt Spring Island. There were about 20 of the staff that went. The restaurant is about 10 minutes away by boat.

At the restaurant waiting for our food

The three boats heading back.

Those are some of the highlights of the last couple months. The summer has been great so far!


Blogger Cassie said...

Sounds like your having fun Jordan!

2:14 PM  
Blogger Kristine Brown said...

Jordan, it was good to see you last week. He is so faithful. I will be praying for you, friend, and I hope you enjoy each day and His specific grace which He lavishes.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Hey :) I didn't know Chuck and Mona were leaving! Where are they headed to now? I hope you continue to enjoy your summer and all that God has in store for you. Even in the hard times, He is faithful!

7:17 AM  
Blogger Jen J said...

Hey Jordan! Awesome pictures, nice to see everyone's faces, looks like it's been a good summer so far. Continue to enjoy Him:)

10:02 AM  
Blogger Zabrina said...

that octopus is kinda gross looking...anyways, it sure was good to see you again last month. Praying that God would continuing to bless you as you serve Him at Capes. I really appreciate all you do out there! Take care.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Candice said...

Hi Jordan!

I get to stay at your house in Calgary for a month coming up soon! I'm very thankful your mom jumped right on board with the idea. Hope things at Capernwray are going well!


4:11 PM  
Blogger Esther said...

Hi Jordan!
When I checked your Blog, I saw I chose the same one as yours... I would say you have good taste! :)
I hope all is going well, and that you're all not getting too many bruises in the kitchen from Yola! :) Please do send her and the rest of the kitchen satff my love!
Take care!

3:46 PM  

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