Kitchen Windows

Cooking and Philosophy. Both address fundamental human needs. One, a physical need to be nourished, filled, satisfied. The other a mental need to understand and explain the world around us. Both are also windows to a deeper spiritual need, Jesus Christ.

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Location: British Columbia, Canada

Cooking and Philosophy. Both address fundamental human needs. One, a physical need to be nourished, filled, satisfied. The other a mental need to understand and explain the world around us. To make sense of the details of life and fit them into some bigger picture. Both are interests of mine, so that's what I'll try to focus on here. It may seem like a random combination, but hey, that's me. More importantly, though, both cooking and philosophy and all the other pursuits of mankind, are simply windows that point to a greater spiritual need. All to often we get focused on the "windows" and forget to look through them. Every person, at the core, has a need to be nourished, filled, satisfied, in a way that food can never provide. To have some meaning in life, to find answers, that philosophy alone can never seem to provide. The answer is Jesus Christ. He, ultimately, is the focus here. Whether it's a recipe I happen to like, or some philosophical question that I find interesting, it's all for His glory. Remember to look through the windows!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Thinking about Windows

I just finished setting up this page so that I'm somewhat satisfied with it. As I was working on my profile and the site description I got thinking more and more about windows (as you can probably see). It's something that's been on my mind for a while...

Everything in life is a window. Whether it's a mountain, a tree, a friend, a good book or anything else in life that holds some good. In each we can choose to see simply a pane of glass, or God's glory shining through. Is it just a tree, a job, another person? We can choose to see it that way and go through life believing that that is the only reality. Just looking at the window pane, complaining about the scratches, trying to clean off the dirt, put blinds over it. Life is nothing more than a series of events between different objects.

The Truth is that there is a Reality, a Person who shines through each of the windows. It's our choice whether we want to acknowledge Him or not. Don't get me wrong. God is not simply everything. For if everything is God, then nothing is God. God becomes meaningless. Rather, there is a Being who's character shines through what He has made.

So often we end up focusing only on certain windows such as Church, the Bible, prayer. If we limit ourselves or focus too much on one thing we miss out on the whole picture. For example, the Bible is a window. God's character is reavealed through the text. We can focus too much on the text, though, and miss what God is trying to say. We can explain, memorize and debate what is written, without letting it affect our lives. The experts on Scripture at Jesus' time were the Pharisees yet they missed who He is.

God is able to reveal Himself through anything. Look through the windows.


Blogger Rachelle Undershute said...

It's an interestng picture, the whole "window" concept. It's so true! I think sometimes I get too focused on how clean the windows are instead of what - or Who - is shining through. I love the recognition of the panes of glass representing things in our lives. Thanks, Jordan, for the encouragement and insight!

2:31 PM  

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