I finally have an internet connection at home. Now I should, hopefully be able to post more often. I've just moved back into my old place after 4 months of renovations. As you can see it's quite a bit different than before. I've been enjoying the kitchen.
Life has been busy with getting ready for Mexico. There's a lot of little details to take care of. This weekend is a 4 day break for the students so it's been nice to have a bit of a break from everything that's going on. Andy, Kevin and Scott were over tonight for steak. It's great to be able to have people over again. Well this post is mainly just an excuse to show pictures of the new place so enjoy!
OH-MY-WORD ... I am speechless. What a CHANGE!!! It's great to see everything so beautifully renovated. Enjoy! And it's still encouraging to hear your thoughts and what the Lord is teaching you about Himself: how to view it all through His lens, His window. It looks much better from His perspective. Thanks for the reminder. Wow, this is a long comment ... forgive me! Hope you're well (and put the toilet seat down! just kidding)
Jordan you have a blog too. this blogging thing is bigger than I thought. Nice pad, where do I sleep when I come visit. But really, I'll come down again one of these days, for more than an hour, promise. Write me with your new internet connection, . Peace.
Jordan my lad. I have a very boring life, and therefor I need you to update your posting regularly, so that I can have something to do in responding to said posts. Ya?
Nice to see the toilet seat is up!
Wow how beautiful is that...which house is it? I am trying to figure it out. You must be loving it! What's with all the toilet seat comments? See you in the summer!
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